Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Long time, No Post!
Well I have been asked many times to post more pictures of our little guy!~ We have just gotten busy and its hard for me to keep up these days! Things are great here! Tucker is growing so fast and doing new things each and every day! No big milestones to report. He doesn't have any teeth yet nor is he crawling! He just rolls from one end of the room to the other in the blink of an eye. He is making all sorts of funny sounds, especially when he eats. It cracks us up! Santa is done buying his gifts and is in the process of getting them all wrapped for the big day! He is going to get many fun goodies! We went to see Santa at my work Christmas party which was a lot of fun! He didn't cry at all while he was on Santa's lap--he just stared in amazement! Here are a few new pictures! Tucker is just shy of 8 months! WOW! The next post will probably be after Christmas! Those will be good pictures I am sure! Merry Christmas everyone.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
We had a great time in Vegas---not very relaxing but alot of FUN! Grant's parents arrived on Thursday afternoon--just in time for us to eat lunch and be taken to the airport! I was extremely nervous to leave my little boy for the first time! I had been so excited about Vegas until it got closer! EEK! I had a small breakdown on the plane and the next morning when I heard his little voice. But everytime we talked to them he was doing so good! I was so proud of him and it helped me to have fun! We walked the strip ALOT and saw soo many things! We were in and out of so many hotels! We gambled a little bit and won a little too! We stayed at the Bellagio and enjoyed every minute of it! It is such a luxurious hotel. We ate great and had so much fun with Lora and Koy that we are trying to plan another trip! When we got back home Tucker smiled at me but not at Grant. As soon as we walked in the house he acted like he had no idea who we were and was so confused! And only smiled at Grant's dad! As soon as they headed back to Dallas, he turned back to normal-smiling and laughing! We missed him so much and are so glad to be back with him! However, it will be easier the next time we want to go on a trip!
Tucker continues to do more and more everyday! He started this new thing when he gets upset and crying and says "Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma." Its so funny. Its like I already know how "mama" is going to sound coming out of his mouth! He is also doing this coughing thing when he cries. Its cute and funny! :) Maybe I can get it on video! I need to post some pictures soon! We took one in his new highchair! I think he likes it!
We got him enrolled in KDO on Tue/Thur starting in the Spring at Lakeridge United Methodist Church! We are so excited! The classrooms and teachers seem to be amazing! I hope he will be a good boy!
Tucker continues to do more and more everyday! He started this new thing when he gets upset and crying and says "Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma." Its so funny. Its like I already know how "mama" is going to sound coming out of his mouth! He is also doing this coughing thing when he cries. Its cute and funny! :) Maybe I can get it on video! I need to post some pictures soon! We took one in his new highchair! I think he likes it!
We got him enrolled in KDO on Tue/Thur starting in the Spring at Lakeridge United Methodist Church! We are so excited! The classrooms and teachers seem to be amazing! I hope he will be a good boy!
Friday, November 6, 2009
6 Month Doctor Visit
Yesterday was Tucker's 6 month doctor visit! Grant had to take him because I accidently scheduled myself for a yearly class for work on that day thinking it was the opposite day of the appointment! What a bum mom! Anyways, he did GREAT! He weighed in at 18.45 lbs, was 28.25" long and had a 46 cm head! He was in the 90th percentiles for height and head and the 75th percentile for weight! He also got his shots, including the flu shot! Grant said he held his breath the longest he had ever seen! I told him that it was pretty normal for him to do that after shots! :) Poor Grant was scared! Dr. Gray was super surprised when he walked in the room at how well Tucker was sitting up for his age when. He does sit up really well without support. In fact, we sit him up most of the time now! We asked him if he thought his teeth were coming in. We told him of his recent sleeping habits and what we saw in his mouth. Upon observation, he said that he didn't think they were cutting through YET but that he could be experiencing pain because of teething. He said that the pain could be keeping him awake. One night when he woke up in the middle of the night, I went ahead and regressed and gave him a bottle. He sucked it down quick. The next night, the same thing. Dr. Gray said when he does this he is most likely going through a growth spurt. He said if we were to feed him and he did not suck it down that he was just messing with us. So...the week (PLUS) of no/lack of sleep could have been from teething pain, growing pains, etc! BUT on a good note, he has slept wonferfully for the past 4 nights now! Maybe the growth spurt is over and we are back to normal at least for a while! It was best last night when he slept from 8:30pm to 7:15 am straight with no waking up! It was wonderful! The time he has slept has become increasingly longer every night! Hopefully it stays like this for the sake of Grant's parents next week when we are in Vegas! He continues to love his food. We tried pears and mixed veggies today! He loved them both. We are doing an oatmeal cereal now that he likes as well! Everything is going great! We are having so much fun! :)
Monday, October 26, 2009
No good very horrible nights (in a row)! TEETH!
So...we have had a ROUGH weekend to say the very least. Mr .Tucker has decided to fuss...alot...and mostly at night. I was on this website the other day and everything, I mean EVERYTHING, Tucker has been doing (gnawing, drooling, fussing, waking, fasting ) has pointed to teething. We have used orajel, frozen washcloths, attempted teething rings that he doesn't care for, our fingers, etc to help get him through! They say the symptoms can start a couple to three months before they actually cut through. And they have just gotten worse over the past few months. We had yet to feel anything on his gums but knew that he would be getting them soon. At his 4 month visit Dr. Gray said they were on their way in! Well, I think they are finally cutting through. Both of the bottom two teeth. We saw the two little teeth starting to shine through! YIPPEE...I guess. But we are suffering. Tylenol, again, is our bestest friend. We can start Motrin now that he is 6 months but I think we will wait a little while yet. Once his teeth come in I will take a picture! :) He will be cute... but I will miss that toothless grin.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tucker Update
Tucker doesn't seem to mind!
-He is now eating baby food and started a couple of weeks ago.
Likes: squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and bananas (so far)
Dislikes: green beans
Unsure: peas
-He is opening his mouth for every bite! And eagerly at that!
-He reaches for our food and ANYTHING in our hands.
-He has sat in a high chair at a restaurant
-He is pulling hair
-He is finally rolling over ALL the time from front to back.
-He is pretty much sitting up on his own, with a pillow behind him just in case he falls backwards.
-Generally more alert and aware.
-Laughing ALOT!
-Jumping in his jumper--and having fun doing it!
-Putting his pacifier in his mouth correctly
-Occasionally holding his bottle
-Straightening his arms when we are dressing him
-Playing with his elephant that has always been attached to his carseat that he has to pull down on to make a noise!
SOOO much! And seriously it has all happened in the past couple of weeks or so!
-On Thursday we went to get a professional picture of Tucker made--it will be on facebook and if we purchase it we will put it on here! We are headed to the Pumpkin Patch tomorrow! Hopefully we can carve a pumpkin too!
Happy Halloween! Mr. Tucker will be a cute little monkey!
Above are a couple of new pictures!
Tucker Laughing...Again!!! Impromptu moment!
So..Tucker was sitting in front of Grant on the recliner! He has started pulling my hair recently--which hurts--but I still let him do it! Anyways, I never knew he liked it so much! He was CRACKING up! So we caught it on video the second time around! We couldn't stop laughing at him. He is our favorite little dude! :) Hehe.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
RaNdOm Pictures!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fun Times!
So...its been a while but I have been a little busy! :) Race for the Cure was GREAT! I had to wake Tucker up to get to the Civic Center by 7:30am! It was cold and cloudy--even kinda humid! We met up with my L/D girls and did the walk! Tucker was soo good---he just sat there and looked around before the race and fell asleep during the race. We went to Elena's house afterwards for brunch----yummy! Tucker actually rolled from his tummy to his back for the FIRST time that day! Too bad Grant missed it! He was sad! We have been trying to get Tucker to do this for a long time! Now, Tucker rolls alot--but mainly from his back to his tummy! :)
Grant's parents came this past weekend to see us! We had fun! We had tickets to the game---the only game we got tickets to! It was FREEZING and WET! Double bundled for sure! We had a babysitter lined up and got to cancel her (which saved a lot of money) and Grant's parents watched him for us! Great weekend! We are heading to my dad and stepmom's house this weekend! My dad has only seen Tucker a couple of times and my stepmom, Edna, has only seen him once and he was only a week old! It will be so much fun!
We started baby food today as he is 6 MONTHS OLD -GREEN BEANS! He gagged quite a few times and made HORRIBLE faces! HILARIOUS! We captured it on tape and got a few pictures! I am sure its because he is not used to it! I am at work but I will post stuff when I get a chance! We will keep trying them this week and then will start on something new next week! FUN! We are still doing cereal and formula of course! We are going to try and get better at introducing apple juice! We have only given it to him a couple of times! We just forget.
Tucker was sneezing alot yesterday, which is normal for him! There are days when he sneezes alot. But we ended up having a rough night last night and he woke up quite a bit with a runny nose and kinda congested! He is still sneezing and has started coughing a little! He has not run a fever and is still eating! At times he acts even happier than normal and at other times he screams and will not stop! Kinda confusing. His drainage is still clear so we are good there! I have gotten advice to just hold out on calling the doctor until he is not eating or is running a fever! So...Tylenol is our best friend right now! I hope he sleeps better for Grant tonight since I am not there!
Grant and I are still pondering moving to Dallas! Aren't sure that is exactly what we think we should do or even want to do! We are just praying for an answer in some form or fashion! We will see.
Vegas is coming soon...we are excited but nervous to be away from Tucker for 3 nights/4 days! Aghh! It will be so hard but we will have a BLAST!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Grant's parents came this past weekend to see us! We had fun! We had tickets to the game---the only game we got tickets to! It was FREEZING and WET! Double bundled for sure! We had a babysitter lined up and got to cancel her (which saved a lot of money) and Grant's parents watched him for us! Great weekend! We are heading to my dad and stepmom's house this weekend! My dad has only seen Tucker a couple of times and my stepmom, Edna, has only seen him once and he was only a week old! It will be so much fun!
We started baby food today as he is 6 MONTHS OLD -GREEN BEANS! He gagged quite a few times and made HORRIBLE faces! HILARIOUS! We captured it on tape and got a few pictures! I am sure its because he is not used to it! I am at work but I will post stuff when I get a chance! We will keep trying them this week and then will start on something new next week! FUN! We are still doing cereal and formula of course! We are going to try and get better at introducing apple juice! We have only given it to him a couple of times! We just forget.
Tucker was sneezing alot yesterday, which is normal for him! There are days when he sneezes alot. But we ended up having a rough night last night and he woke up quite a bit with a runny nose and kinda congested! He is still sneezing and has started coughing a little! He has not run a fever and is still eating! At times he acts even happier than normal and at other times he screams and will not stop! Kinda confusing. His drainage is still clear so we are good there! I have gotten advice to just hold out on calling the doctor until he is not eating or is running a fever! So...Tylenol is our best friend right now! I hope he sleeps better for Grant tonight since I am not there!
Grant and I are still pondering moving to Dallas! Aren't sure that is exactly what we think we should do or even want to do! We are just praying for an answer in some form or fashion! We will see.
Vegas is coming soon...we are excited but nervous to be away from Tucker for 3 nights/4 days! Aghh! It will be so hard but we will have a BLAST!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Labor Day Weekend!
We got together with Grant's 2 best friends from high school and their kiddos over Labor Day Weekend! Here are a couple of pictures of our friends Scott and Jenny with their son Jackson! And one all of the kids! The little boy on the left is Jackson who was born the day before Tucker! And Sage, in the middle, belongs to Cody and Amy and turned a year old on June 30th! We love these guys! Wish I would have gotten a picture of the Cody, Amy and Sage too! Love you guys!!!
Video of Tucker Laughing!
Here is yet another moment caught on camera of our little guy giggling when Mommy is tickling him! He is soo ticklish!
Video of Tucker Talking!
It is so funny---we got this great SLR camera and are able to capture so many moments with the video option! We definitely don't plan any of this stuff! So here is a video of Tucker doing some talkin!
Tucker loves to talk! When he sees the camera its like he stops! But this is an idea of how it goes!
Tucker loves to talk! When he sees the camera its like he stops! But this is an idea of how it goes!
Pictures of Tucker Boy!
FINALLY, here are some pictures of our Tucker boy! He is getting SOO big and SOO handsome. We just think he looks like a little man and less like a little baby! It is kinda funny! So people are saying that of course he looks "just like his daddy." But, I have had several people say that they can see me in his eyes! And that is ok with me! I am so glad he looks just like his handsome daddy-o! Besides the fact that he rolled over, he is doing a lot more baby talk than he used to! It is so cute! He is at such a fun age and we are just taking in every minute of it! He starts baby food in a couple of weeks which we are excited about! We are starting him on rice cereal with mixed fruit this week to help him gradually progress into the tastes of similar tasting baby foods! We will also be attending the Race for the Cure this weekend as I joined a team up at work! Thanks to all those who donated in support of this great cause! Tucker and I will be up bright and early on Saturday to participate in the 3 mile walk! Yippee!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"Rollin, doo doo, Rollin"......
Well, I have to proudly announce that Tucker has rolled from his back to his tummy for the first time TONIGHT! I am at work but a proud and happy Daddy Grant called to let me know! It was funny because in the past couple of days, Grant and I have both noticed that when Tucker reaches for his feet to play he sometimes ends up on his side and then rolls back to his back! Even earlier today this happened! Grant said Tucker was laying on the ottoman while he watched TV and when he looked back at Tucker he was on his tummy! :) And then he did it a 2nd time! How fun! Our little boy is finally rolling! He has yet to roll from his tummy to his back! He still HATES being on his tummy when he is awake! As long as he rolls one way! Haha! We are all doing good! Just workin' and livin'! Figuring out how to get moved to Dallas! Who knows if/when/and how it will all work out! And my friend Brittany is redesigning my blog! I don't know when it will be ready but keep checking back to check it out!Hope all is well with everyone!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
We had a BLAST in Dallas this past weekend! It was soo great to be back in the Big D to see our family and friends! Some of the family had not seen Tucker since he was 1 month old and were surprised about how much he had grown! :) We left Friday morning and arrived in Dallas around lunch time! He did fabulous in the car! It was the first time that we were in the car and he actually enjoyed himself by playing with me and with toys! He has always done well in the car but he actually had fun! He slept well too! We got together for dinner with family at Grant's house that night! On Saturday Grant went to golf with his dad and his dad's friends while Tucker and I did a little shopping! Later we got together with Scott, Jenny & Little Jackson and Cody, Amy and Little Sage. That was soo much fun! On Sunday we took Tucker to church and took him to the nursery for the first time! He did soo good! We then went to eat at Salt Grass---yummy! I had been craving Coconut Shrimp for a long time and they have the best!!! At 3 pm my Mom opened up the house, and had some friends come by to see Tucker! That was fun--he was soo good! Everyone enjoyed seeing/meeting our little man! We left Monday morning early to head back to good ol' Lubbock! I will have to post pictures when I get a chance! Hope everyone had a good Labor Day weekend!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
4 month Visit to Dr. Gray!
We had a great visit to Dr. Gray's office on Friday! After his usual ritual of peeing on the nurse while on the scale, we found out that he weighs 15 lbs. 3 oz.! He is 26 1/4 in. long (4 inches longer than at the last visit)! I knew he was getting long! Long and lean! He is only 3 inches away from being too big for his infant carrier (according to his length)! He also has a 43 cm head. So..he is in the 95th percentile for his head size, the 90th percentile for his height and the 50th percentile for his weight! He is right on track! We started applejuice today...he likes it...we think! We also stopped cereal in his bottle at nighttime to see how he does! But we are still feeding him by spoon! He got his 4 month shots and calmed down quickly after some love from his mommy! We dosed him every 4 hours with Tylenol and he did really well all day! REALLY well! We went to Amarillo to see Grant's grandfather and family and he laughed, cooed, and played with toys! He laid on his blanket for a long time just hanging out! Thank goodness. We had a great visit. BUT his good mood ended yesterday as he fussed all day long! Pretty much nothing made him happy. He had his short moments! Today he is much better and back to being happy!
*Side note: Grant and I watched I Love You Man last night--great movie!!! Just fyi!
*Another side note: Grant's grandfather passed away last night at 10:20 pm. We will be attending his funeral sometime this week, not sure when. Please continue to keep his family in your prayers! This has been a difficult week for everyone.
Have a great Sunday afternoon!
*Side note: Grant and I watched I Love You Man last night--great movie!!! Just fyi!
*Another side note: Grant's grandfather passed away last night at 10:20 pm. We will be attending his funeral sometime this week, not sure when. Please continue to keep his family in your prayers! This has been a difficult week for everyone.
Have a great Sunday afternoon!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Prayer and Pics of Tucker
Hey everyone-
Please pray for our family. Grant's grandfather has been diagnosed with leukemia today and in the same day has been placed on hospice. The family has been told he has approximately a week to live. We are heading to Amarillo tomorrow to visit. He is not communicating at this point but we feel we need to go visit as well as take Tucker to see him (possibly for the last time). Anyways, this is devastating and SURPRISING news to the whole family. Above are pictures of Edmund and Tucker as well as a 4 generation picture (plus Brady-Grant's brother) when Tucker was "brand new." And some more recent fun pictures of Tucker boy! Thanks and love to all....
P.S. We go to our 4 month visit tomorrow and will post an update soon!
Please pray for our family. Grant's grandfather has been diagnosed with leukemia today and in the same day has been placed on hospice. The family has been told he has approximately a week to live. We are heading to Amarillo tomorrow to visit. He is not communicating at this point but we feel we need to go visit as well as take Tucker to see him (possibly for the last time). Anyways, this is devastating and SURPRISING news to the whole family. Above are pictures of Edmund and Tucker as well as a 4 generation picture (plus Brady-Grant's brother) when Tucker was "brand new." And some more recent fun pictures of Tucker boy! Thanks and love to all....
P.S. We go to our 4 month visit tomorrow and will post an update soon!
Monday, August 24, 2009
18 weeks! What fun!
We have had a fun couple of weeks with Tucker! Everyday there seems to be something new! He has become increasingly more talkative---well with baby babble that is! He just screams to be heard! He also does this thing where he gathers spit at the back of his throat and uses it to make sounds! All the time!!! We put his jumperoo together today! He is still a little small for it but seemed somewhat interested! Once he can actually reach the toys I am sure he will love it even more! He is also EXTREMELY close to rolling over from his tummy to his back! I mean so close to where his butt is in the air and his knees are on the ground and he is tilted somewhat to the right! We are just WAITING! I think he is so close because he gets soo mad that he is on his tummy! He absolutely hates it! But in the past when I have put him on his tummy during a short nap while I am doing stuff around the house, he loves it and sleeps well! Whatever!!! :) He is drooling everywhere--so much that we have to change his outfit almost 3 times a day! He puts his whole fists in his mouth and then puts his hands everywhere! He also loves to gnaw on Grant and I! We have drool all over us most of the time! A couple of weeks ago we got this whale tub for bathtime! He loves it and loves to splash in the water! He also continues to love his changing table and is so excited when he is on it, even in the middle of the night! He continues to be somewhat unpredictable in the middle of the night about what time he will wake up! Lately, he has gone to bed between 9 and 10 and has then been waking up anywhere between 4:30 and 5:45. He usually goes back to bed or comes and sleeps with us for the rest of the morning after he eats! He has also been laughing! It is soo cute and something we have both been looking forward to hearing! He is definitely ticklish and we love to tickle him! Poor thing! But we can't help it because we love to hear him laugh! He still loves to hold our hands when we feed him as well as rub our chests when we rock him! He is just soo sweet! I was told by my friend who took care of him the other night that we have a perfect and easy baby! We are so proud of him! We have decided to prolong putting him in Kids Day Out! Everything is working out so perfectly that we think we will either enroll him this upcoming Spring or Summer session! But for now, we don't feel as if we need it! These are just a few of the many things that are going on in our lives with Mr. Tucker! I will post pictures soon! We love being parents to our wonderful little man(who looks just like his daddy)!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
16 weeks and counting!
P.S.- Dallas friends- we are headed to Dallas on Labor Day weekend! So...make plans to visit with us and Tucker!
Monday, August 3, 2009
15 Weeks!
Last week leading into this week has been VERY interesting! Poor Mr. Tucker has had diarrhea for almost a week now! He strains so violently every time he poops and he poops ALOT! His face gets BRIGHT red and purple and you can see all his little veins! Poor guy! We are supposed to get "stool studies" done to see what is going on! However, we have had a hard time timing when he poops and when the offices are open to get the sample there within an hour! This is only prolonging fixing the problem- if it is a problem to be fixed! Whatever it is may just have to run its course! He has a very mild diaper rash that we are keeping under control with Desitin and Butt Paste! On top of this, we think he is teething! They say it can happen as early as 3 months! He is showing ALL the signs: hands in his mouth ALL the time, drooling excessively, irritable, sleepless, etc! On Saturday he woke up like 6 times and on Sunday night we were pretty much up most of the night. We ended up having to put him in our bed with us! We will only do this in extreme cases as it is NOT SAFE! Anyways, poor Grant is at home with Tucker tonight--hopefully he sleeps better so Grant doesn't have to be up all night by himself! We really think his tummy is hurting and that is what is waking him up! Pray that we fix this soon so we can ALL get rest! I am just glad he naps with me everyday so at least I know I will have a few hours of sleep at some point! Other than all of this, we are all doing GREAT! Grant's parents are headed to town this week! Yippee! Grant continues to be amazing with Tucker! I am soo lucky!
I am in the midst of shopping for his Halloween outfit! I think I want him to be a monkey! He will be sooo cute! I will keep you posted on what he will be! We bought a really awesome SLR Digital camera (in other words, one like a photographer would use)! So...hopefully we can take some pretty cool pics of Tucker! Definitely will take some pics in Vegas!
I am in the midst of shopping for his Halloween outfit! I think I want him to be a monkey! He will be sooo cute! I will keep you posted on what he will be! We bought a really awesome SLR Digital camera (in other words, one like a photographer would use)! So...hopefully we can take some pretty cool pics of Tucker! Definitely will take some pics in Vegas!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
14+ weeks!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Precious Boy! 3 months old!!!
Well our little man is growing up so fast! It is more and more fun each day! Everyday there seems to be something new! Last week he found his left fist! It is always in his mouth! Grant hopes he will be a lefty like him! Haha! Anyways, he also found the TV! He loves to look at it and all the colors/movement! It is so cute! And the drooling has officially begun! I had forgotten about the drooling for some reason until I was reminded about it not too long ago! We seem to always be wiping his mouth! He is still sleeping really well at night! Every night is different but last night for example he slept from 9:30-6:30! That is a long time! It is weird though because I wake up thinking "he is going to wake up any minute." Anyways, we feel very lucky to have a pretty good sleeper! As for naps, he naps with me and naps well! We tried the crib but he just doesnt sleep as long and as good! When he is in there I am on edge waiting for him to cry! For now, to guarantee I get a nap for work, we sleep together! I will have to break that habit at some point! I just cherish those moments everyday! Speaking of work, it is going rather well! We seem to have the routine down pretty good! My work nights are split up which helps Grant not to have three days in a row of taking care of Tucker by himself. It also helps me be able to see him and not feel like I am working more than I see him for those three days! Grant is soo good with him while I am sleeping! It seems to be working out for them and I am sure it will only get better as he gets older! We are enjoying our life as a family! Above are some random pics of Mr. Tucker!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th of July Weekend!
We had a great 4th of July weekend! We headed to San Angelo to hang out with some family! We went on Friday afternoon and arrived just in time for dinner at a Mexican restaurant downtown! Saturday was a pretty lazy day! We napped, did some shopping downtown and hung out at the house! Saturday night was fun! We played with sparklers, had homemade ice cream, watched fireworks from the porch and had a great meal of brisket and barbeque chicken with all the fixins! At nighttime we played games which was fun! I discovered (thanks to my family in San Angelo) a game called Blokus! Sooo much fun! Anyways-my mom caught a picture of Tucker grinning from ear to ear! We didn't get a picture of the family on the 4th-:(! By the time we were ready, Tucker spit up all over his 4th of July outfit! Oh well!!! It was a great time! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July!!!
I started back to work Monday! It was crazy busy! One of those "welcome back Jill" kind of nights! It was SOO incredibly hard to leave my baby and my hubby-but I survived! I LOVE the nighttime routine we have---I am really going to miss it the 3 nights I work! Grant is such an amazing father and husband--he is SO great with Tucker! I am so lucky! For not having ever held a baby before Tucker was born, he is truly a natural! Hope all of you ladies are as lucky as me! I don't know what I would do without him! He is my rock!
I started back to work Monday! It was crazy busy! One of those "welcome back Jill" kind of nights! It was SOO incredibly hard to leave my baby and my hubby-but I survived! I LOVE the nighttime routine we have---I am really going to miss it the 3 nights I work! Grant is such an amazing father and husband--he is SO great with Tucker! I am so lucky! For not having ever held a baby before Tucker was born, he is truly a natural! Hope all of you ladies are as lucky as me! I don't know what I would do without him! He is my rock!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tucker and Tevin!

My friend and co-worker, Michele, and I went to run around town yesterday! We put Tevin's carseat in my car and hit the road! Look at those precious boys after all those errands! They were tired! :) Tevin is 5 months old and Tucker is 2 1/2 months old! How fun that they will be able to play together!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tucker is 2 1/2 months old!
We are headed to good ol' San Angelo, Texas this weekend to see Mark's sister, Melinda, and her side of the family! We will probably just go Saturday morning but we may head out Friday afternoon! I bought Tucker a cute little red, blue, and white striped outfit for Saturdays festivities! How fun! It will officially be my last weekend of maternity leave! I go back Monday night! Soo sad! But I think it will be good to break up the monotonous routine of it all! I don't mean for that to sound bad but I think it will be good to get away for a few hours a few times per week! I will HATE to leave Mr. Tucker and my wonderful husband!!! I just love them soo much!
Above are a few pics of our precious boy!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tucker's 2 Month Visit to Dr. Gray
We went to see Dr. Gray today for Tucker's 2 month check up/immunizations! He weighs 12 lbs. 9 oz. (after eating a couple of ounces in the waiting room-hehe), his head measures 40.5" and he is 22.5" long. He is in the 50th percentile in all categories! He is just your average kiddo! He was soo good, despite the fact that he had been a little more fussy than usual after not having had a poo-poo yesterday! Well, at least that is what we guessed was the problem! Who really knows! He just kicked and cooed on the examination table. I think he liked the sound of the paper he was crumpling as he kicked-hehe! When Dr. Gray came in Tucker just stared at him the whole time! Then, time for shots! The first was given by mouth--he did really well! I then was instructed to hold his hands while the nurse held his legs--he got a little fussy with this--and then the first shot! First there was silence while he was in shock and then a blood curdling scream. This then led to more silence because he was crying so hard that he would not take a breath! In the midst of this silence, the nurse managed to administer the last two shots. And then I was able to cradle him as he continued to cry but also calm down! Tears were running down his cheeks and his eye lashes were soaked. He was also hoarse from crying so hard! Poor baby! But I got him into his favorite position against my chest, gave him his pacifier and he started to close his eyes! What a good boy! He really did very well! I gave him some tylenol at home just to help ease any pain he may have had from his shots! He pretty much slept all day with a few awake moments. I think he was exhausted from his traumatic experience!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Too Cute!
Well as I have said in many posts, Tucker is smiling ALOT! Pretty much on cue! But I just had to write this because it melts my heart! Last night, Tucker slept from 10 to 5! Woo hoo! I took the first "wake-up time" duty and went to tend to the little man! I got into his room where he was fussing/crying and looked over his bed. He immediately stopped crying, opened his eyes really wide and gave me the biggest toothless, gummy grin you have ever seen! It was one of those moments where you truly knew that HE knew it was his mommy! For so long you give and don't receive! But when you finally get that smile in a moment like that, you realize how awesome parenting really is!!! For your baby to finally show you that he recognizes you is the most amazing feeling! Lately he is just so content sitting in one spot! We all know that God does not give you more than you can handle. However, we all can get to a point where we THINK we can't handle anymore! As I have told some people, its like when you just think you can't handle the crying anymore (because it seems in the beginning thats what they do if they are awake) then they change and become content more often and cry less! That is neat to look back and ponder on! Anyways--I will post soon about our doctor visit in the morning! :) Shots--EEK!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Family Pic from Colorado
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
8 & 9 weeks/ First Family Vacation to Colorado
(More pics to come from Colorado etc...)
Wow-I am definitely behind on blogging about my little boy! It seems like so much has happened since the last time I posted! First of all, we are all doing wonderful! We are just truckin' along each and every day only to find that each one is different! :) Going back to work on July 6th is definitely on my mind. I am torn. I really like being at home with Mr. Tucker but I also feel like I need to have a few breaks by going to work 3 nights a week! However, I am going to HATE missing our bedtime routine and HATE leaving Grant by himself at night(even though he doesn't care at all)! I know we will pull through and be successful at work and taking care of Tucker!Anyways, we left for Buena Vista, Colorado last Sunday the 14th! We stayed in Trinidad, Colorado the first night! It was craziness. We were nervous to sleep in the same room as Tucker. He is a VERY loud sleeper! And come to find out he still is! However, we arrived to the house in Buena Vista on Monday and got him set up in an attached library next to our room so we could be separated during the night for the week! :) It worked out really well! It was so beautiful and the house was absolutely amazing! It was so great to be with my aunt and her side of the family! It has been YEARS since we were all together! The house had an awesome deck with a hot tub, tons of chairs and hummingbird feeders with tons of little hummingbirds to watch! They had a zipline, a fire pit, their own river rock stream, a tv room with a projector, tons of bedrooms, a Wii/Rockband, foosball......to name a few! We had great cooked meals every night and played games after Tucker went to bed! One day we went whitewater rafting and another day we took the Cog Railway to the top of Pikes Peak-FUN! It was more work taking care of Tucker because everything was out of place but it was worth it! We didn't take many pics but I have a few that I will post when I round them up from family!
While we were in Colorado Tucker had quite a few bouts of projectile vomiting! He actually had one Saturday before we left. He had not done that in quite a while! Anyways, we called the doctor on Wednesday and they told us he may have a little reflux. They told us to keep him elevated after eating, elevate him a little while sleeping, and to give him CEREAL! WOO HOO! I loved hearing that because all I hear from everyone is how awesome they sleep when they get cereal around 4 months. The reason they wanted us to start this is because it will help prevent air in the formula which will help him not to throw up! And of course they want us to continue burping him really well! We started him on cereal that day but I think it was too much for him too quickly! His tummy seemed to hurt for a couple of days and he did have a few more bouts of vomiting! We went to just giving him cereal at night! He has slept AMAZINGLY! He actually slept through the night the Friday after we started him on the cereal and did GREAT the days before that too! He slept 8 hours straight on Sunday night! WOW! So awesome. We are so happy! We are now trying to introduce it at nap times which has seemed to help too! We will just keep introducing him to it slowly with most feedings! We see Dr. Gray this Friday for his 2 month shots! I am dreading this! Its going to be so hard! But we will make it! Grant will be there to hold our hands!
Tucker is now pretty much smiling on command! Especially at his daddy! It is soo cute! He still loves to be on his changing table! And he is having a lot of content awake moments! Which is nice! He is cooing alot and holding his head up even better the past 2 weeks! It is soo fun to watch him grow!
On Father's Day we were traveling so it was not as special as it could have been if we had been at home all day and could celebrate! Tucker told me to tell Daddy Happy Father's Day though! :) We had a good day spending time together! :) That is all that matters, right?!
Above are some pics! :)
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