Monday, October 26, 2009
No good very horrible nights (in a row)! TEETH!
So...we have had a ROUGH weekend to say the very least. Mr .Tucker has decided to fuss...alot...and mostly at night. I was on this website the other day and everything, I mean EVERYTHING, Tucker has been doing (gnawing, drooling, fussing, waking, fasting ) has pointed to teething. We have used orajel, frozen washcloths, attempted teething rings that he doesn't care for, our fingers, etc to help get him through! They say the symptoms can start a couple to three months before they actually cut through. And they have just gotten worse over the past few months. We had yet to feel anything on his gums but knew that he would be getting them soon. At his 4 month visit Dr. Gray said they were on their way in! Well, I think they are finally cutting through. Both of the bottom two teeth. We saw the two little teeth starting to shine through! YIPPEE...I guess. But we are suffering. Tylenol, again, is our bestest friend. We can start Motrin now that he is 6 months but I think we will wait a little while yet. Once his teeth come in I will take a picture! :) He will be cute... but I will miss that toothless grin.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tucker Update
Tucker doesn't seem to mind!
-He is now eating baby food and started a couple of weeks ago.
Likes: squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and bananas (so far)
Dislikes: green beans
Unsure: peas
-He is opening his mouth for every bite! And eagerly at that!
-He reaches for our food and ANYTHING in our hands.
-He has sat in a high chair at a restaurant
-He is pulling hair
-He is finally rolling over ALL the time from front to back.
-He is pretty much sitting up on his own, with a pillow behind him just in case he falls backwards.
-Generally more alert and aware.
-Laughing ALOT!
-Jumping in his jumper--and having fun doing it!
-Putting his pacifier in his mouth correctly
-Occasionally holding his bottle
-Straightening his arms when we are dressing him
-Playing with his elephant that has always been attached to his carseat that he has to pull down on to make a noise!
SOOO much! And seriously it has all happened in the past couple of weeks or so!
-On Thursday we went to get a professional picture of Tucker made--it will be on facebook and if we purchase it we will put it on here! We are headed to the Pumpkin Patch tomorrow! Hopefully we can carve a pumpkin too!
Happy Halloween! Mr. Tucker will be a cute little monkey!
Above are a couple of new pictures!
Tucker Laughing...Again!!! Impromptu moment!
So..Tucker was sitting in front of Grant on the recliner! He has started pulling my hair recently--which hurts--but I still let him do it! Anyways, I never knew he liked it so much! He was CRACKING up! So we caught it on video the second time around! We couldn't stop laughing at him. He is our favorite little dude! :) Hehe.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
RaNdOm Pictures!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fun Times!
So...its been a while but I have been a little busy! :) Race for the Cure was GREAT! I had to wake Tucker up to get to the Civic Center by 7:30am! It was cold and cloudy--even kinda humid! We met up with my L/D girls and did the walk! Tucker was soo good---he just sat there and looked around before the race and fell asleep during the race. We went to Elena's house afterwards for brunch----yummy! Tucker actually rolled from his tummy to his back for the FIRST time that day! Too bad Grant missed it! He was sad! We have been trying to get Tucker to do this for a long time! Now, Tucker rolls alot--but mainly from his back to his tummy! :)
Grant's parents came this past weekend to see us! We had fun! We had tickets to the game---the only game we got tickets to! It was FREEZING and WET! Double bundled for sure! We had a babysitter lined up and got to cancel her (which saved a lot of money) and Grant's parents watched him for us! Great weekend! We are heading to my dad and stepmom's house this weekend! My dad has only seen Tucker a couple of times and my stepmom, Edna, has only seen him once and he was only a week old! It will be so much fun!
We started baby food today as he is 6 MONTHS OLD -GREEN BEANS! He gagged quite a few times and made HORRIBLE faces! HILARIOUS! We captured it on tape and got a few pictures! I am sure its because he is not used to it! I am at work but I will post stuff when I get a chance! We will keep trying them this week and then will start on something new next week! FUN! We are still doing cereal and formula of course! We are going to try and get better at introducing apple juice! We have only given it to him a couple of times! We just forget.
Tucker was sneezing alot yesterday, which is normal for him! There are days when he sneezes alot. But we ended up having a rough night last night and he woke up quite a bit with a runny nose and kinda congested! He is still sneezing and has started coughing a little! He has not run a fever and is still eating! At times he acts even happier than normal and at other times he screams and will not stop! Kinda confusing. His drainage is still clear so we are good there! I have gotten advice to just hold out on calling the doctor until he is not eating or is running a fever! So...Tylenol is our best friend right now! I hope he sleeps better for Grant tonight since I am not there!
Grant and I are still pondering moving to Dallas! Aren't sure that is exactly what we think we should do or even want to do! We are just praying for an answer in some form or fashion! We will see.
Vegas is coming soon...we are excited but nervous to be away from Tucker for 3 nights/4 days! Aghh! It will be so hard but we will have a BLAST!
Hope everyone is doing well!
Grant's parents came this past weekend to see us! We had fun! We had tickets to the game---the only game we got tickets to! It was FREEZING and WET! Double bundled for sure! We had a babysitter lined up and got to cancel her (which saved a lot of money) and Grant's parents watched him for us! Great weekend! We are heading to my dad and stepmom's house this weekend! My dad has only seen Tucker a couple of times and my stepmom, Edna, has only seen him once and he was only a week old! It will be so much fun!
We started baby food today as he is 6 MONTHS OLD -GREEN BEANS! He gagged quite a few times and made HORRIBLE faces! HILARIOUS! We captured it on tape and got a few pictures! I am sure its because he is not used to it! I am at work but I will post stuff when I get a chance! We will keep trying them this week and then will start on something new next week! FUN! We are still doing cereal and formula of course! We are going to try and get better at introducing apple juice! We have only given it to him a couple of times! We just forget.
Tucker was sneezing alot yesterday, which is normal for him! There are days when he sneezes alot. But we ended up having a rough night last night and he woke up quite a bit with a runny nose and kinda congested! He is still sneezing and has started coughing a little! He has not run a fever and is still eating! At times he acts even happier than normal and at other times he screams and will not stop! Kinda confusing. His drainage is still clear so we are good there! I have gotten advice to just hold out on calling the doctor until he is not eating or is running a fever! So...Tylenol is our best friend right now! I hope he sleeps better for Grant tonight since I am not there!
Grant and I are still pondering moving to Dallas! Aren't sure that is exactly what we think we should do or even want to do! We are just praying for an answer in some form or fashion! We will see.
Vegas is coming soon...we are excited but nervous to be away from Tucker for 3 nights/4 days! Aghh! It will be so hard but we will have a BLAST!
Hope everyone is doing well!
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